Spring Skin Care Tips

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Spring skincare tips from O'Keeffe's

After months of freezing temperatures, fierce winds, snow and rain; the days are getting longer. Spring is in the air at last. When it comes to skin, winter can be especially unforgiving. As the flowers start to bloom; it’s not uncommon to still be feeling the effects of the cold, dry air and blistering winds.

It’s time for a skin care reset.

Here are some helpful tips to take you into the new season and help your skin feel as fresh as the spring air.


Gently Exfoliate

Make way for your glowing spring skin with gentle exfoliation. Choose a gentle scrub to lightly massage away dead cells sitting on the surface of the skin. Not only can exfoliation brighten your complexion, but it can also boost the absorption of your moisturiser.


Protect Your Skin

This is a key skin care must all year round, but with sunshine-filled days ahead, it’s especially important. Consider using SPF 50 for maximum protection, and don’t forget your lips.


Eat Well

Diet and nutrition have a significant impact on the skin. It’s usually much easier to eat healthier during the warmer months when we’re less likely to be drawn to warming comfort foods.  

Embrace fresh fruits, vegetables and foods rich in healthy fats to help support the skin.



Along with proper nutrition, adequate water intake is essential for healthy skin. Keep in mind your skin is an organ and like other organs requires water to function at its best. Drink at least 4-8 glasses of water per day.


Make Sure to Moisturise

Though the skin holds onto more moisture during the warmer months than in winter, a good moisturiser is still an important part of any daily skincare regime. Look for a hydrating skin cream to help prevent water loss and seal moisture into the skin.


Spring Clean

This is a great time of year to do a clear out of skin products and cosmetics. Not only can expired products lose their effectiveness, they can also do more harm than good. Be kind to your skin and check the dates on all of your products before use.